Information from the Sydskånska Kennelklubben about Malmö International Dog show 2020.
An escalating risk for the corona virus to spread across Europe and in Sweden has led the Swedish Government on the 11th of March to decide to ban all public events of more than 500 participants. Fairs, sports events and shows are included in this ban. Unfortunately this means that we have to cancel this year´s Malmö International Dog Show.
During the latest weeks the board of Sydskånska Kennelklubben, as well as many others, has been watching the trend of the development of the corona virus and how it has spread across the globe. We have planned for the worst, and have taken every precaution possible and what we felt necessary to be able to host the dog show. This includes buying as much hand rub and desinfectant as we could to be able to maintain good hygiene during the show, to adjust the ring locations to create more space in between the show rings, amongst other measures.
During the last week the severity of the virus spreading has been rapidly escalating, with noumerous infected in Sweden and in our neighbouring contries. On the 11th of March the first Swedish casualty due to covid-19 was confirmed.
These are all factors that combined has made the Swedish authorities and Goverment to take action. There was a press conference on the eveneing of March 11th where the authorities confirmed the ban of gatherings of more than 500 people. On the same day the board of the Swedish Kennel Club ad an extra board meeting where they decided on several restrictions affecting the club.
The board of the Sydskånska Kennelklubben had a meeting on the night of March 10th where we discussed this matter. We then decided that we were to await the results of the coming days´negotiations before deciding on cancelling the Malmö International dog show or not.
On March 10-11 our chair and the CEO of the Swedish Kennl Club held a tight dialouge on how to handle the dog show. The developments during the afternoon of March11th resulted in that we no longer had a decision to make, but a decision to follow and to comply to.
In conjunction with the meeting of the central comittee the Sydskånska Kennelklubben board decided to cancel the dog show.
The canncellation of the dog show is regulated by the force majeure section of the statues of the Swedish Kennel Club (§ 15). We would like to stress that the Sydsksånska Kennelklubben has no profit intrest and that we mearly manage the funds of our members.
We are really sorry that we will not be able to host the show, but at the same time we are glad that we can help in preventing the spread of this awful disease.
We do want to stress that this may affect other club events. More information about this will be published on our web site when decisions are made.
For all questions you may have, we refer to our official channels, (as stated in the fotter of this website).
Thank you for your understanding,
the Board of the Sydskånska Kennelklubben